Jun 27Liked by Antonia Taylor

I love this - thinking not just about the business side & the economy (empowering the self), but the empowerment of others. Glad it was amazing!

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The economy of empowerment! Imagine if every girl and young woman there took away a little more self-belief…what would be possible💫💫💫

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Jun 27Liked by Antonia Taylor

She’s a great role model! How amazing that your daughter (and you) had such a magical experience ✨

I’d LOVE to join your workshop on 12th but I’m posh camping in Whitby and I pretty much unplug. Hopefully you’ll do another one?! Xx

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Thank you! It was magical and I want to bottle it forever. Have a beautiful camping trip! I’m planning on running more 📝

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Jun 27Liked by Antonia Taylor

Ah, I so want to come to your workshop. I’ll be on a train home from Bath though after what might be my last visit to my sister’s place in the countryside (& my unofficial writing retreat for the past few years). She’s moving back to London..!

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Oh wow! That’s an exciting move for your sister and I know how much her place has meant to you …enjoy your retreat and we’ll gather another time xo

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Jun 27Liked by Antonia Taylor

TS is incredible, for all the reasons that you’ve captured perfectly! My daughter went last week to Cardiff with friends but I couldn’t go as we cld only get 3 tickets at the time of booking. I was fine with it until the day when I would’ve given my right arm to see her face watching her ultimate heroine 😭🤩🤩🤩😭

Summer is business as usual with a holiday in the middle to Canada to break it up. Kids are fending for themselves in their rooms and the garden for a chunk of it - defo old enough now to entertain themselves without me hyper-planning their diaries!

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Lisa! You incredible mum! I wish that for you too. I’ve had a couple of emails from readers who spent more time watching their daughters than Taylor. Why does nobody talk about this? YES to no more hyper-planning over the summer! A client was telling me about her summer camp issues and I felt a little bit sick for her xo

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I didn't think that reading about the Taylor Swift effect would bring tears to my eyes, but you've managed it! I'm predisposed to like her after hearing about her donations to food banks, and really must listen to some of her songs. Yes, I'm probably the only person who has never heard her - blame my predilection for long dead composers!

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Oh thank you Nicola. I know I over- emoted on this one and was going to pull the whole piece but I also believe in telling the truth- whatever it is. Ok, so if you’re new AND you’re a musician, start with TTPD…the arrangement on it will blow your mind. Let me know! ❤️

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Before I lose this post, I've listened to TTPD - the title track and listening to the album and think her lyrics and voice are great. I liked TTPD more the second time I heard it, which is a good sign! I will listen to the rest - have not had a lot of time this week, and thank you for opening my ears and mind!

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What a magical experience to have with your daughter! Thank you for articulating it. ✨✨💥✨✨

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It was cosmic💫 Feel very grateful to have shared it xo

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Loved this! I'm going to see her in August - feel as though I'll have watched the whole thing on Instagram by then, but I still can't wait! ✨

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Rosamund! Thank you 🙏🏽 I know exactly what you mean but you honestly haven’t! It’s pure cosmic joy and incredible to be part of when you’re there (once you get your head round the fact it’s Taylor Swift right THERE)💫💫💫

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Sounds fantastic. I know a few people who went. She is a great role model 😘😘😘

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It was Jo! She really is. Hope you’re having a good day xo

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So glad you didn't pull it, and thank you! I'll get back to you!

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I am so envious you went / I’ve had real FOMO! I think you’re right, TS brings magic and the permission to be your sparkly self (whatever that means to you).

I’m not going away this summer apart from a cousin’s wedding at the beginning of August. I’m away pretty much the entire month of October instead in Chicago and Hawaii. I’m using the summer to write and plan - this is the first time I’ve had this much energy over summer as the last 4 years I have moved every summer 😂 I think that is maybe a post in itself.

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Ruth, I love all of this! On reflection I was feeling deeply old and UNsparkly at the concert but have really had a health reboot this week…let’s make the whole place shimmer✨✨✨And I absolutely love the sound of your October…that’s such a great time to get away + plant new seeds 🌱

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Jun 27Liked by Antonia Taylor

Ooh I’d love to join you on the 12th but I’ll be hosting a day retreat in a Welsh castle. I’ll definitely join you on your next writing session. Your summer plans sound delightful. Have you decided which books you’ll be taking? X

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Ooh which retreat? Sounds gorgeous Tanya…you are the Retreat Queen!🫅 I’m hoping to bring them back quarterly🤞Book list… I have some from last year’s summer pile… I HAVE to go on a book buying ban x

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