😭😍😭 may we make all the things that feed our souls ESSENTIAL. Couldn't be happier reading this xxxxxx

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Oh hiiiiiii. To the absolute essentials. SO much love to you! xo

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May 23Liked by Antonia Taylor

Oh I love this piece because I long for stories about people's homeland and totally get why you feel centred once you've been there. And glad you did it for yoursel x

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Thank you so much Claire - for reading this and for being here! It's so easy to lose that centring xo

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Beautifully written wisdom here. I’ve shared it with expat friends.

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Elizabeth, this is so, so kind. When you’re third culture, you think you’re the smallest part of the venn diagram but we’re truly not xo

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I heard back from a Greek friend who lives here in CT that your essay expressed her thoughts exactly. ❤️ My friends who were in high school with me in Brazil will be reading it too.

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So grateful to you for sharing + to your friend for reading. And that it resonated! You were at high school in Brazil?! Wow...I'm thinking about how your work, Elizabeth, and wondering about the connections. Excited to learn more xo

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May 26Liked by Antonia Taylor

Purple jacarandas were one of the first things I was in awe of when we moved to Sydney 8 years ago. Going home is like oxygen, like you didn’t realise you were holding your breath. Thanks for sharing this essay.

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Such a beautiful way to express it! Probably why our nervous systems recalibrate too xo

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May 26Liked by Antonia Taylor

It sounds like you really needed that trip! Definitely make it an annual thing. I go away every year for a trip with friends and relish every minute!

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I love you do that. I think the challenge for me could be going alone...which I'm totally up for xo

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I needed this today! Thank you ❤️

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Lindsey, thank you for those words xo

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May 24Liked by Antonia Taylor

It is important to attend to yourself, your LIFE, you know, the only one you got. There was much I could relate to here, Antonia. I, too, value my time and freedom. Maybe that's why I'm an expat. I'm glad you got to be home, not just go home, but BE there. It sounds like it did your soul good... And now, you're making me wonder when my next trip home should be! xo

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Thank you Lani, it's like Mary Oliver whispering in your ear ;) Let me know what you decide xo

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May 23Liked by Antonia Taylor

Another beaut of an essay

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Thank you friend ...us poets need to go there sometimes ;) xo

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May 23Liked by Antonia Taylor

Sounds wonderful and nourishing! I live alone but micro trip alone a lot too 😂 good for shifting your perspective! xo

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Caveat that I was with my mum and brother…just not in mum mode. I’m looking forward to solo micro trips…maybe a maxi one too? ;) Hi, lovely friend. Missed you this week xo

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May 23Liked by Antonia Taylor

Gorgeous and I feel the same way about the homeland ♥️ - I feel like I'm doing nothing at the moment as my work process (& ethic) is on the slower side but I'm focusing on other parts: friendship, fun, dating etc. so I'm grappling with that and trying to be chill about it. Sending love from my sofa 🥰

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I know you do agapi MOU! thought of you when I went for a morning walk into the old town❤️Love, attend to your life!!! The friends and dates (which I want to hear about)💫It’s your season. We need a birthday date please xo

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I loved your opening image, the jacaranda. I'm just back from a week in Madeira where I met this tree for the first time and fell in love! Still processing the time away, recovering from the flight and sore toes (too much downhill walking) and this really resonated with me. Also, I'm reading The Island of Missing Trees so Cyprus very much in my mind!

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Aren’t they gorgeous?💜I had to ask a gardener what they were and remembered my dad always talking about them. Hope you enjoy processing that trip. Let me know what you make of the book xo

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I finished reading the book this morning. My husband had to ask me what was wrong, as I cried over Ada's intention to visit Cyprus as an islander. I loved it - so much in it, history, nature, politics and human interest. I realised that there must have been a lot of research, or knowledge, that was woven seamlessly into the story. Incidentally, I only found out the name of the jacaranda when reading a guide book, three days into my visit! So pleased that I wasn't the only ignorant one!

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May 23Liked by Antonia Taylor

Oh Helen’s right, you were most definitely attending to your real life & nourishing your soul.

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She usually is Harriet!🙄As per, looking for permission outside of myself. Love to you❤️

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May 23Liked by Antonia Taylor

Lovely words, Antonia. Your trip sounds like you truly needed it. I suspect it will have left you feeling somewhat revived. Xx

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Thank you Hannah! It’s totally kept me going and ready for summer☀️

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May 23Liked by Antonia Taylor

Ooh this trip sounds so nourishing! I have a solo painting weekend in Cornwall next month and a week’s potting in Ireland in August! Excited for both!

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Painting weekend in Cornwall! Sounds so dreamy Kate and good for you! August sounds amazing too x

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