Dec 7, 2023Liked by Antonia Taylor

So many good, well-deserved things seem to be happening with you Toni.

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Oh my goodness Katie, that's a lovely thing to say! I will take that as you know I'm not great at being with, you know, things like JOY. Many years in the making too xo And ps I had a lovely cup of tea in my favourite mug yesterday like you suggested xo

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This felt something like breathing more easily, releasing, seeing new beginnings & moving back into a place that felt more connecting to self. Sometimes we need to remember that we aren’t meant to do life alone and that beautiful things happen when we create togetherness xx

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Dec 7, 2023·edited Dec 7, 2023Author

All of these things! And I feel like it's still a process, still a practice, all still so much unfolding. I love how you expressed "create togetherness"...it's SUCH a joy to be on this journey with you, my love xo

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by Antonia Taylor

Wow, such a gorgeous write up, thank you Antonia. The pleasure was all mine. I know Emma will be just as thrilled with how much you gained from attending the retreat. You are a wonderful human being and huge congratulations on being a finalist on the poetry competition.

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I don't think I did it justice Tanya, but you created something so special. I'll be back in a heartbeat.THANK YOU...I'm excited to get to work on things. Thanks for all you do and for being here xo

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by Antonia Taylor

It would be lush to see you again 💫

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Sounds like it was an amazing experience at the retreat, and I'm really glad you shared it with those of us who couldn't attend. I would love to hear more about 'how to set wildly impossible goals'. For me, I've got the time, but the struggle is juggling all these project ideas flying around. Then you mentioned time-blocking, and I'm going to try and bring that back to my daily routine. As I wrap up this online art course that's been stressing me out because I am trying to be so perfect about it.

Thanks for the inspiration and congratulations on being a finalist in the poetry competition!

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I loved that exercise too! It was really about imagining if you had a magic wand, what would you create? Definitely stretched the thinking! I think that multiple project piece is tricky for so many creatives, Susan. I'm going to have to really commit to some completion deadlines too! Thank you so much for reading + being here!

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And THAT is exactly how it happens, right when you are so bent out of shape about the things you haven’t got right, the enormity of the creative crowd in all their glory and the niggling thought that perhaps you really should go back to KPI driven targets instead of this other path, the creative life force giving path that fills up your soul.

Just as you are about to announce in the words of Anne when she declared to Marissa that she was ‘in the depths of despair’, something utterly magical & quite divine happens, a silver lining to remind you that you the girl have still got IT!!

I A.D.O.R.E your sentence:

I’d become stuck in time scarcity trap of my own making.  A story about time well past its sell-by date.

Mainly because it echoes some scraggly thoughts that have circled in my mind all year. You have given me a glimmer of hope to ploughing on through & risk a reshuffling of my decks, a nod in my direction to remind me that yea it will pay to be brave about living my life well and re riding my meanderings for some future space.

Thank you 🙏🏻

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Tiffany, thank you so much for reading this so closely and your thoughts. Nat Lue also mentioned how we can get locked into strategy and metrics and forget our HEARTS! Keep ploughing through! Reshuffle those decks! Move into that future space xo

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How gorgeous and inspiring - I too want to put my creativity first. I also believe I don't have the time to do all the million project ideas I want to but will block it out and make the time! I think I get overwhelmed trying to juggle all the creative projects but a little planning and tweaking the time is there. Lots of love 💖

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I know this.. it's the creative's curse of too many projects and ideas. Oh and making money... I think getting organised and FOCUSED is the goal for me next year. Let's do this my love xo PS I hear VNs are excellent accountability tools xo

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Tee hee sounds like a plan 👊

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How lovely that you got to spend a day with Emma and even more that you got to creatively unblock.

So much of what shared resonated. After 10 months of being on pause and slowing down and engaging in gently exploring what next, I felt no closer to that answer, or at least I thought I didn’t. Time has definitely been a block for me. I find it hilarious that I dropped so many things from my plate at the start of the year and yet, ‘I don’t have time’ 🤣🤣 Although I don’t come from a billable hours background, there is something in what you said about measuring time that’s also a factor for me.

What’s come out of all of this, though, is realising that being strategic is a block for me. Or certainly ascribing to other people’s strategies. I’ve let the head lead the way too much over the last several years and it’s caused me to break my own heart a number of times when it comes to work. So I’m doing the things that don’t make sense but that do feel really good. That light me up. I’m listening to the niggles that my head’s been overriding.

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Nat, I felt my heart break a little bit reading this beautiful note. I've always looked to you as such a model of creative balance and strategy and rest and huge output...Ugh...the way we measure time ...and how STRATEGY can choke our creativity. I LOVE that you're doing the things that feel good for YOU...that's like a revolution right there and I cannot wait to see where it takes you...and us too xo

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Hi Toni, So pleased about the poetry competition brilliant news. Life has so many twists and turns we never know exactly where we will go. It has taken me so long to stop clock watching. Xxxxxx

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Jo! That means you read right to the end so THANK YOU. I know that feeling so well. So glad to have met you xo

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Of course I did I love your writing! It was such a lovely creative day. Xxx

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Thank you Jo! Wish we could do it again! xo

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So much to love here and nod my head along to. I hit a mid-year 'what the hell?' and have been working on finding my creative core ever since. I'm getting there, and yes. Time. I grew up with my dad constantly checking his watch and seem to have inherited his habit. My heart feels time slipping through my fingers too quickly and I find myself in panic mode so I'm working on that too. Would love to join you for a new year creative challenge.

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Harriet, I could feel my heart literally PINCHING as I read your beautiful comment! So lucky to be on this journey with you. There's SO much here I relate to...my dad was the most punctual person I ever met and I was terrified of being late for anything as a child...the passing of time + the loss + grief of it...I would love to have you there. Once I've figured this out.

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This last year I’ve realised that being creative is such a big part of who I am at my core, however I’ve not really done that much about it. I can relate so much to what you’ve said here, it’s funny how someone else can often give you the nudge or insight you need that you can’t get from yourself!

I know though, and can quite obviously see lately that my biggest blocks to more creativity is boundaries, not just with other people but mostly with myself, I need to have boundaries with myself because I give my time to all the things but not what matters to me - I need to stop that now...

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Aaaannnnnd knowing the year you've had, my friend, you need to show yourself compassion and trust that you will come back to that space and time when you're truly ready too...I sense so much is shifting in you...you just need those moments...15 minutes here...an hour there. It will happen xo

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Oh mate I have the best memories from that perfect day - thank you for bringing it back to the fore! I’m going to treat myself to a big walk to my favourite coffee shop across the woods with that notebook tomorrow, and all the magic that’s inside. Can’t wait. X

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Was SUCH a treat to have that time with you! Coffee + woods +walks = dream creative sitch. That sounds LUSH my love...how did it go?! ps THAT notebook has become my Substack notebook .

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As someone who is slightly OBSESSED with time (and constant sense of it lacking) this was lovely to read - thank you ✨

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This last year I’ve realised that being creative is such a big part of who I am at my core, however I’ve not really done that much about it. I can relate so much to what you’ve said here, it’s funny how someone else can often give you the nudge or insight you need that you can’t get from yourself!

I know though, and can quite obviously see lately that my biggest blocks to more creativity is boundaries, not just with other people but mostly with myself, I need to have boundaries with myself because I give my time to all the things but not what matters to me - I need to stop that now...

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