So much of this struck a chord. I took time out at the weekend to sit with a planner and think, gaining clarity on the now-to-year-end months we’re entering, rather than rushing in. And finding space and taking stuff out is as important as the aims I’ve established for myself and my coaching and writing.

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Andrea, I'm so glad you did and in all honesty, I can see my leaky boundaries slipping into the time I'd set to do this tomorrow. More clarity, more space, less rushing. Thank you xo

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Hard relate - both to everything around new thresholds (btw isn't it funny how whenever you consider cutting something out of a newsletter, it's the bit everyone responds to?) and to not giving future me enough credit...

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I know, they say kill your darlings, but sometimes you need to save them ;) Please give future you SO much credit Sophy. And let's start again in October. Love xo

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Maybe we should start the opposite campaign “SAVE OUR DARLINGS!”…

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Just what I needed to read this morning, thank you. I’m at a similar stage and everything you wrote very much clarified how it feels. I’m going to stick a post-it note in my diary about how taking stuff out is how you let more in. Will recommend your post in my next round-up 🌷

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Thank you Sue, I'm so grateful it resonated as even yesterday, I was thinking "Should I post it? Does this say enough?" I'm so glad it did. I read this morning about the need to "unbook" ourselves and I think that's my vibe for October. That's so kind - lovely to connect again xo

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Same Antonia. And I'm glad you posted it too.

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Sep 26Liked by Antonia Taylor

All of this! I can relate to all of it 😘♥️

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I mean, as summer girls, we should probably take the whole of September off, my love xo

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SUCH a complicated month! 😂

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