Sep 8Liked by Antonia Taylor

Just ordered your book. Can’t wait to read!

I don’t have an evening routine, definitely mornings for me, but I think I’m going to start one now Xx

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Oh thank you, my love❤️ Appreciate that so much…and seeing that sentence…let me know how you get on. It definitely helped my week and weirdly I slept much better …❤️

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Sep 7Liked by Antonia Taylor

I have tried every morning to get my morning routine going to no avail. Way too much scrolling is not helping my foggy brain at all!

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Keep going, my love. It can shift and evolve with you…it’s still only early September despite feeling like deepest autumn here🍂

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Sep 5Liked by Antonia Taylor

I absolutely love this, and am *totally* with you on re-committing to creating first <3

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Let’s do it. Accountability buddies for CWC Course Challenge?💕

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Sep 5Liked by Antonia Taylor

I love september so much. I decided to take my writing seriously aka finally get back into it after a decade of not writing much. I'm launching a substack, I joined a writing sprint to help the launch of Substack and I will take writing classes/workshops/courses throughout the year. I'm actually taking a poetry class with Arvon in october. Anyway, I'm full of promises and I hope it'll last 😊

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Sounds like a beautifully full month planned Claire! What course did you sign up for on Arvon? If you want to focus on poetry specifically I can’t recommend Maya C Popa’s Conscious Writers Collective enough! 🩷

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Yes, you once recommended Maya's work to me but I felt I wasn't advanced enough to fully "take advantage" of what she offers. But I'll keep it in mind. With Arvon, I am taking the masterclasse on Poetry's Architecture. I think something longer is a bit scary for me at the moment. They have an amazing offering of courses and masterclasses.

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What a great post. 3 buiness-y things caught my attention. I feel very similar. I just came back from vacation and today is my first day back in the office. 2 weeks went by in a flash. I come back with renewed energy and purpose. I read a book that focused on productivity and listened to a few podcasts that helped me get positioned to make some changes to how "available" I am to others going forward. The theme for my Ripple Community in September is "Setting Boundaries" and learning how to feel comfortable saying no. So following that encouragement, I am going to start sayiing no to how available I am via email I'll shut down Slack more than a few times a day. I am going to get into a better routine that gives me time in my day for deep thinking. And take a lot more walks. It's still hot as balls in Texas but I'll get out and do some laps around the building regardless. Maybe if I come back a sweaty mess, that will create a boundary all on it's own for my team. Just kidding. Thanks for your post. Perhaps, we could find some time for us to talk on a deeper level for my podcast about the celebration of your 12 years in business (congratulations) and where you see yourself going with the next 12. Just a thought.

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Wow thank you Steve. Lovely to connect! I’d love to know what book you read + what podcasts you listened to to make yourself more available to change and moving forward. Would love to chat more 🙏🏽

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Thanks so much for this. I feel like this is a September of new starts for all sorts of reasons (youngest child off to Uni as well). I've been trying to embrace "create first, scroll later" but your comment about ending the workday well really resonated. I'm definitely going to try that

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That’s a huge new start, Louise, and sending so much love ❤️ The create first one takes time…it took all my willpower this morning to not check my phone for a Taylor Swift update (update on what?!) Let me know how you go with the end of workday ritual…I actually have more thoughts on this…mainly involving the patriarchy 😘

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Will do. I’m just in the process of setting up a journal for ‘end of day’ reflections so I thinking I might include a bit of an ‘end of working day’ section as well.

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Let me know how it goes my love. I found out today Danielle LaPorte is relaunching her planners and shouldn’t be so excited about it 💞

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I also write my five things task last for the next day at the end of the day. So I know exactly what I’m coming into tomorrow. Rather than having to find my way each morning.

I’ve been doing Kirsten Powers group for the Artist Way book and that’s helped keep the momentum of my creativity over the summer too xxx love you posts as always ♥️

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Sep 5Liked by Antonia Taylor

Good luck with it all, been there with the leaving home for uni once and I’m still in it with middle child. My stomach is in a permanent knot. Off to order Primers & v envious of your writing day with Clover! Go gently…Hx

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I feel this all, my lovely friend. I cried when my 17 yo left for school today...there's so much letting go to do...I hope the knot eases as you seem them being where they're meant to be. Thank you for ordering Primers...it means the world. And yes, I didn't think twice about booking...I'm not even sure I'm thinking about memoir but I know it will feed into other work. Lots of love. Thank you for being here xo

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