Love this quote β€œthe more space we take up, the more we create for others”. πŸ₯°πŸ‘

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Thank you for picking up on that one, my friend. I actually used it in a client meeting earlier...OMG I quoted myself! xo

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β€˜I wrote myself into her’ feel this so much! X

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THANK YOU!!! It's there for us to do when we give ourselves that permission, right? xo

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Totally! I love your reminder x

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Jun 13Liked by Antonia Taylor

A power, much needed reminder, thank you 🫢🏻

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Thank you for reading, my wise friend🫢🏼

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These words are so timely Antonia. This morning I had a session with my mentor and the main realisations were that I am allowed to show up (those were the exact words that came through my body)! We also talked a lot about community, voice and talking about self and creations through genuine conversations rather than from a space of fear and worry of being too promotional/salesy.

Thank you so much for writing this xxx

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Angharad! I love they β€œcame through your body”. @Claire Venus and I were joking about β€œsomatic marketing” the other day but I think there’s a truth in it…it has to feel good within you. Especially when, like us, we bring so much of OURSELVES to our work. And YES! We need to talk more about what we create and what brings us joy …the pure delight of creating things we love. That’s the bit that in the end, shines through everything🫢🏼

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Love this … have just shared it with my accountability group in my women in business network… it’s only our voice that distinguishes us… thanks for this reminder

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Alana! Thank you so much for sharing it. Appreciate it so much. And yes, you're so right. It's another way people get to know us, to trust us, to be part of what we do 🫢🏼

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I stopped sending my jewellery business newsletter at the start of the year and my sales went right down. As soon as I picked it up they started up again! I was just so tired, and doing my Substack instead, but I’ve found a better balance now! 🧑

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Kate, I always forget that you're ALSO running a beautiful jewellery business. There's so much power in taking simple actions...I was thinking about this earlier and wished I'd written that as much as anything, when we show up we build deeper trust with ourselves too🫢🏼

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Love this! It’s everything I say to my clients, only you’ve said it much more brilliantly!

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I needed this. Thank you πŸ™πŸΎ

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I love this idea of creating space in order to become the next (& as yet unrealised) version of ourselves. And the reminder it’s often not a linear & smooth process. ❀️

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Great missive on the self-promotion ick, it really struck a chord, thank you… now that I have my brilliant app (almost) ready to roll, I’m starting to think about the move from cerebral solitude (where I can wallow safely in how clever I am) to actually putting my head above the parapet and treading the virtual boards to promote it… and how all those frailties you mentioned come into play.

I resolve to β€˜show up’ - thanks for the gee up.

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Ah Dave, such a lovely way to put it. We do keep so much in our heads…now you’ve said it, I’ll be holding you to it😘 And really looking forward to it. Congrats on app news too xo

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